Summon night swordcraft story water materials
Summon night swordcraft story water materials

summon night swordcraft story water materials summon night swordcraft story water materials summon night swordcraft story water materials

The Western Sword, along with the Eastern and Northern Swords, were crafted by Shintetsu in order to seal Parista once more, but upon learning these three swords would be ineffective, he poured his own soul into a fourth sword, the Southern Sword, and sacrificed himself in the process. It is later discovered that Ureksa was the brother to the former Craftlord of Jade, Rumari, and it was because of Rumari that Parista had accidentally been awoken three years ago. Before the tournament can be concluded, the player learns of a building unrest among the craftlords, and discovers Lubert, Craftlord of Amber, and Ureksa, Craftlord of Jade, are attempting to harness the power of the destructive spirit Parista, and have struck a deal with the neighboring warfaring nation of Deigleya in exchange for sharing control of the beast. The Western Sword was once used to seal a great evil, but the player becomes entrusted with the weapon once the seal became ineffective. A mysterious figure follows the child of Shintetsu throughout his/her journey, and eventually presents him/her with the Western Sword. The child of Shintetsu fights through the tournament and wins every match presented to him/her, however, strange natural disasters are affecting nearby settlements, and earthquakes are prevalent throughout Wystern. The weapons that cannot be enchanted by the guardian beast will require the completion of a side-quest. Enchanted weapons have increased statistics in comparison to their original form, and they are also endowed by one of the four elements. When the player selects to create the weapon again, the option of using mystic ores will be given. Mystic ores can be obtained by defeating a special group of enemies, which take the form of possessed armor and equipment. In addition, the player must have the proper amount of mystic ores. Creating an enchanted weapon will require that the original form of the weapon was already forged. Depending on what guardian beast was selected, different types of weapons may be enchanted without having to obtain the enchanted technique. When the player has the technique, as well as the materials necessary, they may forge the weapon at their workshop. Also, any weapon sacrificed will only return half of what was used to forge it. The amount and type of materials received will depend on the items being used. Materials can be obtained by sacrificing items or weapons. Summon Night divides materials into four elements: fire, water, lightning, and wind.

Summon night swordcraft story water materials